Metallic Bonding: Answers


 Describe some of the properties of metals.

Metals have high melting and boiling points which means they are mostly solids at room temperature. They have a shiny appearance and a high density. They are good conductors of heat and electricity and they are malleable, which means they can be bent or hammered into shape without breaking.

Where are metals found in the Periodic Table?

Metals make up the majority of elements in the Periodic Table and are found on the left hand side.

Why do metals have high melting and boiling points?

Metals have high melting and boiling points because of the strong metallic bonds between its particles. Stronger bonds need a greater amount of heat energy to be broken.

Which property of metals allows it to conduct electricity?

Metals contain a ‘sea’ of delocalised electrons which move around the positive metal ions. Anything with a charge that is free to move will be able to conduct electricity, therefore its the delocalised electrons which make metals good conductors.

Which property of metals makes them malleable?

Metals are made up of a regular arrangement of positive metal ions, neatly packed into layers which can slide over each other. The fact that its layers can slide over each other means that metals are malleable.

Define the term metallic bond.

A metallic bond is the electrostatic attraction between positive metal ions and the delocalised electrons.