Rate of Reaction
The rate of reaction tells us how fast a reaction is happening. It depends on certain factors, like concentration of the reactants, temperature and whether a catalyst is present. On a graph, reaction rate is equal to the gradient - the steeper the line, the faster the rate of reaction.
Calculating rates of reaction
Rate of reaction is a measure of how quickly a reaction occurs. A reaction in which the reactants are converted into products very quickly has a high reaction rate. The rate of a reaction can be calculated by dividing the change in the amount of reactant or product by the time taken, as shown in the equation below. The amount of reactant lost or product gained can be measured by recording the mass in grams (for solids) or the volume in cm3 (for liquids). The units for reaction rate will be either g/s or cm3/s.
You may also be asked to give reaction rate in moles per second (mol/s). In this case, you just need to convert mass into moles (by dividing by the Mr). If you are measuring the volume of a gas produced, you can convert into moles by dividing the volume in cm3 by 24,000.
Worked example
A student reacted marble chips (calcium carbonate) with hydrochloric acid in a conical flask. Calcium chloride, carbon dioxide and water are formed in this reaction. The student measured the rate of reaction by measuring the volume of carbon dioxide produced in a given time. At 2 minutes, they had collected 60 cm3 of carbon dioxide in a gas syringe. State the rate of reaction in:
a) cm3/s
b) mol/s
To determine the rate of reaction in cm3 per second, we just need to convert the time into seconds then divide the volume by this value.
60 / 120 = 0.5 cm3/s.
To express this as moles per second, we use the v/m/24,000 triangle to convert volume into moles.
Moles = 60 / 24,000 = 2.5 x 10-3.
We then divide the moles by time in seconds to get our answer in mol/s.
2.5 x 10-3 / 120 = 2.08 x 10-5 mol/s.
Calculating reaction rates by drawing tangents
You might also be asked to work out the reaction rate from a graph showing the change in amount of reactant or product against time. If we have a straight line on our graph then we just need to calculate the gradient of that line by dividing the change on the y-axis by the change on the x-axis. However, if our graph is a curved line, this means that the rate is different at various points along the curve. In this case, we need to draw a tangent to the curve at a certain time point. To draw a tangent, you simply take your ruler and draw a line which touches the curve and has the same gradient as the line at that time point. You can then calculate the gradient of the tangent by working out the change in y over the change in x.
Collision theory
Just placing two different molecules together doesn’t necessarily mean a reaction will happen. In order for particles to react, they need to collide with enough energy. The minimum amount of energy needed for particles to react is called the activation energy.
If particles collide with enough energy they will react to form products - we call this a ‘successful collision’. The more successful collisions there are in a given time, the faster the rate of reaction. There are a number of factors which affect the number of collisions and therefore reaction rate.
Activation energy
There is an ‘energy barrier’ that molecules need to overcome in order to react. This barrier, or threshold, is known as the activation energy. A reaction with a high activation energy will be less likely to happen than one with low activation energy. Adding a catalyst speeds up the rate of reaction by lowering the activation energy. It does this by providing an alternative reaction pathway - a bit like showing you a short-cut from your house to the supermarket when usually you’d go the long way around. We can show how adding a catalyst lowers the activation energy on a reaction profile like the one below:
Factors which affect reaction rate
There are two ways in which the factors below may increase reaction rate:
1. By increasing the frequency of collisions (molecules bump into one another more often)
2. By giving the molecules more energy - this means that a higher number of molecules will have more energy than the activation energy so there will be more successful collisions
Increasing the concentration of a solution or increasing the pressure of a gas means that the reacting particles are closer together (there are more particles in the same volume). The frequency of collisions between reactant particles increases, increasing reaction rate.
Increasing the surface area : volume ratio of a reacting solid means that more reacting particles are exposed at the surface. The frequency of collisions between reactant particles increases, increasing reaction rate.
Increasing the temperature of the reactants causes them to move more quickly and increases the energy of the particles. The frequency of collisions increases and the proportion of successful collisions increases (since more molecules will now have energy that is greater than the activation energy). Therefore reaction rate increases.
Adding a catalyst increases the rate of reaction by providing an alternative pathway with a lower activation energy. Since the ‘energy barrier’ for the reaction to happen has been reduced, a larger number of particles will have sufficient energy to react and there will be more successful collisions. Catalysts are chemically unchanged at the end of the reaction and can be reused.
Did you know…
Enzymes are biological catalysts which speed up the reactions happening inside cells. Without enzymes, metabolic reactions would take place incredibly slowly. For some reactions, it would require a full 2.3 billion years to take place (about half the age of the Earth). With enzymes, these same reactions happen in milliseconds.
Next Page: Reversible Reactions